15 Fully Responsive HTML5 Templates

HTML template is a way to build a professional and reliable website in case you do not want or need a CMS with the design. This type of templates is basically the pioneer in the web templates market, so there are millions of them available.

The 3 Best WordPress Templates for Your New Website

WordPress is a wildly popular open source CMS (Content Management System) used to create literally tens of millions of websites. It’s 100 percent free to install, use, and upgrade. Countless WordPress templates and plugins power a simple and flexible interface that ultimately decreases both deployment times and overall costs. WordPress is likely the most powerful CMS used in the world today.


Visual Hierarchy – Everything You Need to Know

Apart from fancy graphics and catchy text, a website must take into account size, colors, composition, what to include and what to leave out. Unless you understand how visual hierarchy works on the Web, your website design won’t be as effective. Visual hierarchy consists not just of aesthetics, but also of principles that a website must use.

Amazing Savings on TemplateMonster Website Templates

Imagine you could get a professionally done, fully functional, perfectly designed HTML5 web template for only $29. Yeah, I know, unbelievable. But you know what? That’s exactly what you can get from TemplateMonster right now and the deal lasts till 1 June!

templatemonster deal

The Basics of Responsive Design FREE eBook

I don’t know if you’ve noticed this yet but Google recently rolled out a new algorithm that ranges mobile-friendly sites over those that are not in the mobile search results. So it is official now – you absolutely can not ignore responsive design any longer. It is a must now.

responsive design