5 Actionable Tips to Create Better Websites and Landing Pages
Websites and landing pages are driving billions of clicks, leads and conversions on a daily basis. And while users around the world continue to access the internet from different desktops, tablets, devices and through various methods like social media and television, websites and landing pages continue to be the place where everyone ends up.
With this in mind, when someone hits your website or blog, is it working to its full potential? If you aren’t seeing a consistent supply of new conversions and sales being generated on a daily basis, then your site and landing pages might need some work.
The good news is, there are plenty of ways to improve not only how you create your content and marketing material, but also to track how well it performs when audiences see it for the first time. And through the use of split testing, it’s now easier than ever to make simple changes to your site, and seeing where improvements can be made.
To help in this process, today we are highlighting five different ways to improve user experience and engagement on websites and landing pages of all types. Be sure to implement each of these methods in order to see the best conversions and success rates across the board.
1 – Choose a Premium CMS or Landing Page Builder
Of the many different considerations and factors that will come into play when building a website or landing page, the actual site builder you are using is probably the most important.
When it comes time to choose a reliable website builder, you are going to want to focus on one that not only has the ability to create a full site or individual landing pages, but also has an easy to user interface as well.
Of the ones on the market today, we recommend any of the following:
- Wix
- Weebly
- Shopify
- WordPress
What’s great about each of these solutions is that they all power millions of sites and have the ability to scale features and hosting to fit the needs of your marketing and business needs. At the same time, they are all quite affordable.
2 – Remove Distractions and Exit Links from Site
No matter how perfect your landing page might look, if you have too many distractions and exit pages on your site, your audience is going to leave.
To help with this process, we recommend the following:
- Remove banner ads and exit links from your site
- Minimize or remove your header navigation menu
- Only link out to internal articles or must have references
By removing and minimizing the amount of distractions and options for your end user, the more likely they are to focus on your call to actions… which we will be covering next.
3 – Create Better Call to Actions and User Forms
All websites, blogs and landing pages have a common goal in mind — which is to get the end user to take action on something. This is specially referred to as your “call to action”.
For a site like Amazon, the call to action would be to get users to add items to their cart, and then checking out. For a site like CreditKarma, it might be for the end user to complete a free credit report on their site.
It doesn’t matter which niche market you are in, or the end goal in mind, it’s important to make sure you continually reinforce that call to action and make it easy for the site visitor to complete.
Some of the best ways to accomplish this is to remove any other outbound links or call to actions from your site or landing page. You also don’t want your call to actions to get lost within other content found on your site.
You will also want to make the CTA area extremely easy to find and complete. And if you are using articles to draw attention to the end offer, be sure to include links at the top, middle and bottom of your content.
In short, if you have a main call to action on your site or landing page, send as much attention to that one common goal as much as possible.
4 – Include High Quality Images that Load Fast
They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and in the world of websites and landing pages, this is especially true.
Just think about the last time you went to an online store to purchase something. You likely looked at the visuals first, and if some sites had better (or multiple) images, you probably purchased through their site over others.
When it comes to picking the right images for your site, you will want to use ones that have the highest of quality, while also relating to the end user’s needs.
And when doing any type of image work on your site, it’s important to make sure they load fast. For this, you should be using a CDN to make sure your content is loading as fast as possible, as a single second in loading time can make all the difference in the world to your bottom line.
The takeaway here is to use images that speak volumes to your audience, and makes them want to take action without even needing to read any of the content on your site.
5 – Add Remarketing and Pixel Tracking to Your Site
Last but not least, with more people using their mobile devices and social media to find content on the internet, it’s a must to include remarketing and pixel tracking efforts to your site.
The truth is, more than 70% of people will visit your site and likely never come back. With pixel tracking enabled on your site, you could advertise and remarket to these audiences through the use of Google, Facebook and Instagram to get them back again.
Best of all, remarketing works extremely well because you are already targeting an audience that has been to your site once. So getting them to come back again will likely be cheaper and also provide higher conversions in the process.
Getting the Most of Your Site Building and Landing Page Efforts
When it comes to building websites, content and landing pages on the internet, you have a lot of options to choose from. However, no matter what site building or ad copy you use, it’s all about the experience and value provided to the end user.
Be sure to read through each of the actionable tips above, and then start implementing them into your content creation and marketing efforts today.