What Is Clickfunnels?

BY IN Uncategorized, 21.03.2019

You may have heard of ClickFunnels before. Whether you have or not have, we are here to explain exactly what ClickFunnels are and how they may help your business to expand and actually create more sales for you. That is why we are here to answer the question of what is clickfunnels and how can you utilize it to grow your business. Keep reading to learn more.

The first step is to learn more about ClickFunnels. ClickFunnels is an online funnel that will help your seller be more persuaded to either purchase something, optin to something, purchase services from you, or download something from you. It is pre-built for you and they have fun tests to ensure they are giving you the best templates that convert for your specific audience. It’s very user-friendly and allows you to simply drop in your content or pictures in just a couple clicks of a button and you are suddenly finished and ready for business.

When you utilize ClickFunnels you are building a sales funnel from the ground up. That means all elements are created for you so it is easier for you to follow every step of the way. You can add hosting for your website, landing pages that are different, email responders that automatically go out to your contact, and so much more. The good news is that it does not cost an arm and a leg, it is actually very affordable, especially for a small business. You can customize your funnel to your specific needs so you are not paying for more than you actually want.  

ClickFunnels will simplify the entire sales funnel process. Each way you are using the funnel will attract a different audience but one that is important for you if that is what you are looking for.

ClickFunnels offers a two-week free trial that doesn’t have any hidden costs. After that, if you are interested they offer two different options. The first is especially for startup businesses. This means it costs $97 per month. You get a variety of features. Some of these include 20 funnels, pages, testing in order to find out what works for your business and its success, email integration, unlimited members, and support.

When you think about it. If you hired someone to design each page for you it would cost you thousands and thousands of dollars. You would need a team that would be able to code each page and design it especially to the way you want it to look. You would also need to integrate payments and an email sequence which ClickFunnels automatically does for you.

One of the most important parts to note is that ClickFunnels will automate your marketing. It will reduce the amount of time you need to spend on your marketing and even reduce the cost. Although it’s an investment, it’s an investment in the right kinds of things. Can you imagine having the perfect landing page? Or the perfect sales page? So many more people would opt in and end up purchasing your products or services. Don’t be caught up in needing to make it your own or make it the exact way you want to make it when ClickFunnels sees what types of landing pages are translating into sales and does them perfectly so that you reap the benefits. The right landing page or sales page can really make the difference between if someone purchases or not. So that $97 dollar per month really doesn’t end up seeming like much at all.

We are now going to go over some of the benefits of ClickFunnels so that you have a better idea of how this company can help expand your business.

The first benefit is that it makes the marketing process easy. This means that it relieves the start to finish hassle that you may need to do when creating a sales funnel. It quickly does it for you. Efficiency is key when it comes to business and you need to be as efficient as possible. The trick is to get you the software you need in order to get you to the place you want to be in business. That trick is ClickFunnels.  

The first benefit is that it allows you to build your email list quicker than you ever thought possible. Whenever you have a deal or a new product come out, or anything else with your business, you want to let people know. The best way to do this is to tell your email list. If you have an email list this is easy. They end up listening to you and end up purchasing the product. If you don’t have an email list yet then you are not able to tell nearly as many people. Grab an email list so that you are able to tell more people about anything you want to tell them.

The next benefit is that it will save you time. This means your funnel takes less time. The process takes you less time. The sales take you less time. Wouldn’t that be great? Take time into consideration throughout every process that you have and take ClickFunnels and the time it saves you into consideration.

The final benefit that we want to discuss is that it saves you money. Have you looked at your business and realize it costs you a lot of money in order to get clients, build an email funnel, or hire contractors? ClickFunnels can save you money by taking some of it for you for an affordable price.

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits to ClickFunnels. They have so many option to choose from, they are also so easy to use for many business owners. If you want to get a passive income by having a membership site, capture more emails, or sell more of your products or services, ClickFunnels is an excellent way to do that. For more information about ClickFunnels and to learn how it can help your business get to the next level, go to blogfully.net today.  

