Top Blogging Tips to Increase Your SEO

BY IN Uncategorized, 4.02.2019

SEO stands for search engine optimization. This refers to the ranking of your website on a search engine site such as Google or Bing. SEO is important for businesses no matter their size. When was the last time you scrolled through pages of Google to get the answer you have been looking for? The answer is probably never. This is one of the reasons why having a high ranking is important.

One of the best ways to have a high ranking is to blog. There are many reasons why this will help increase your SEO ranking. The best New York City SEO company is going to explain exactly why blogging will help to increase your SEO. Keep reading to learn more.

Use keywords or keyword phrases

The first tip we have is to always type in the keywords section. It used to be a great idea to put those keywords into the blog as many times as possible. This now hurts you because Google sees you are trying too hard. Now, you want to ensure the keywords section is filled out. It’s important to know what these keywords and. For example, you can use a phrase that your target audience may type into Google. Use this same phrase only once or twice in the blog. Google will use this and know that’s what your blog is referring to and then when people type in that phrase to Google, it will come up higher than before.

Have all the key elements

Blogs should have a title, a header, and a body. The title is the name of the blog, the header is a sneak peek of one sentence (or two) that is used to hook the reader and gives them an overview of why they should be reading the blog, the third part is the body which is the actual blog itself. Make sure you have each of these three items in each blog to increase the ranking.

Add meta descriptions

The next important part to remember is the description. This is called the meta description. It shares with readers and potential readers what your blog post will be about. This will also let Google know what it’s about. Give an overview while keeping keywords in mind while writing this. The most important tip we have though, make sure to write one.

Optimize your images

It’s important that your blog has at least one image in it. Images make your blog look more put together and have a visual to go along with it. There are things you can do to the photo to optimize your post more. When you first save the image to your computer, save it as the blog name, a keyword, or a keyword phrase.

Once you upload the picture to your blog it’s important that you fill in the information too and let Google know what your image is about. Again, use keywords or the blog title to help talk about what the picture is. Make sure to fill out both the title and the description.

Use Google analytics for feedback

There are so many tools out there that are completely free to better your blog. This means you can look at the analytics and make changes on your future blogs according to trends you saw take place in your previous blogs. You want to go into Google’s analytics and look at a report. Look at the keywords people are searching for Google to find your blog.

This will help you know what kinds of keywords you should be using, how often you should be posting, what different blogs have increased your ranking by, and more. It’s never a good idea to swing into the dark and be unaware of what is helping and what is not helping your ranking on Google.

Correct grammar

It’s important to have correct grammar throughout your blogs. When you have a lot of typos, Google sees this as an untrusted website. You have probably heard of the term “content is king”. This is true when it comes to blogging. Make sure you run your blog through a site like Grammarly or have an employee read through your blog before it is posted online.

Use facts

Google like facts. It means you not only know what you are talking about, but you have done further research to ensure you are telling the truth throughout your blog. Make sure you quote where you found the quote or fact (and you can always link it), but using facts is a great way to get your point across and get in Google’s good book at the same time.

Make it interesting

More people are going to stay on your blog longer and read the entire thing if it’s interesting. Google does not like when someone starts reading a blog and jumps off it quickly. This is called the website’s bounce rate. You want people to stay on each page longer because this will let Google know there is good relevant content on the page that people want to be reading. They will then boost your ranking to help more people find it.

In order to have more people staying on your page, make sure the content is interesting and well written. You can always try telling a story or having a great intro that makes people want to continue for the answer. These tricks are always great.

As you can see, there are many ways to increase your SEO using blogging. Blogging can be a very powerful part of your marketing strategy. Use these tips and soon you will see your website ranking start to increase.

For more SEO or blogging tips, contact us today.

